Dear visitor
I am very grateful to you, that have had a look at my page.
It is mine first "pancake", so that I ask to not judge me strictly. Well,
and now is closer to business...
If you were not shocked with my photo and you we are not
higher 30 years could for the beginning without seeing get acquainted.
I shall tell not much about myself. Age, growth and forms:
generally the woman do not ask how many to it of years, but I think on a photo
it is possible to determine, though she is made not last Tuesday.
I do not complain of the growth, and form... It to judge to you.
Derivation, intelligence etc.: values, which progress also of
maximum my limit yet have not achieved. And if I am serious in the present
moment I study on 2 course of one of humanitarian faculties in some Moscow
high school.
Enthusiasmes, good (bad) habits:... Oops! Instead of whether it is a
lot of for first time?
I wait for your letter with the small resume about myself to the following address:
I hope for further dialogue,
P.S. If you have not found here that searched go to my sponsor. IT there precisely is: